Nestled in the heart of Tennessee, renowned for its majestic mountains, vibrant music scene, and legendary moonshine tales, you will find the new Copperhead Road Landmark located next to the iconic road and Watauga Lake Winery in beautiful Butler, Tennessee.
Inspired by Steve Earle's iconic country rock anthem, "Copperhead Road," after its designation as a Tennessee state song last year by Governor Bill Lee, the landmark pays homage to the song's local roots. Centered around a customized 1949 Dodge Sedan, adorned with a mural by Bluegrass star and artist Tim White, the landmark also recounts the moonshine legends of the early days of souped-up cars, called moonshine runners, that would give birth to the NASCAR industry. The landmark is slated to be a destination on the Tennessee Music Pathways Trail from Mountain City to Memphis!
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A Collaboration for Music and Tourism
The Copperhead Road Landmark Unveiling and Music Fest is a collaborative effort between the Johnson County Tourism Office and Watauga Lake Winery, with funding provided by the Tennessee Department of Tourism Development, Tennessee Arts Commission, and The Waterfront Group. The landmark is already featured in the Northeast Tennessee Tourism Association's "Bootleggers & Burnouts Trail" self-guided driving tour. Visit the Copperhead Road Landmark at 6900 Big Dry Run Road in Butler.